S step away T tell an adult O okay sites first P pause and think online
Author: tsteele
Super Digital Citizen
My super hero name is guts and glory and my super power is tell people should you post it.
I will try to make new freands
ways to get of doing my h.w
jacks here im at my grandmas im to tired my dog ate it michal mirersis at my house i about to get shot on destiny
theres this kid in my grad named blake and to day he did something relly bad he throu a kid down at school and he kut his skin
me and my best friend Jenna
me and my friend play together all the time do you have a best friend to caus i hope so because there allwase there for you
life to day
hi world how are you im doowing grate how is your life what mew experinses to find its so cool
invading zombies
hi my name is bob im hear to say zombies are atacing the city eating brans mabe we should move to a new country but zombies are every wear brans bie reported by bob
kids in the sun
its fun playing in the sun you should play in the sun to swimming playing baseball thers alot of fun things in the sun that you should do